Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Crime Chapter Resources

Crime Chapter Resources

How does politics affect crime and criminal justice?
Some laws are tough because they are popular, not because they are effective and/or just
Examples:  gun laws, terrorism laws, drug laws
Politics determines police funding, police training, and police priorities

Facts do not equal guilt.   Facts plus due process equals guilt.

As of 2000-
-African Americans are 12 % of the pop, 40% of all arrests, and 50% of the prison population
-disparities in crack vs cocaine sentencing are a sign of racism
-the best sources of information are the UCR (from the FBI) and NCVS (from the DOJ)
-Dare has little evidence to show effectiveness.
-Neighborhood watch has little evidence to show effectiveness
-Federal speedy trial laws    (arrest to indictment, 30 days.   Indictment to trial, 70 days.)

How do types relate to this issue?
Types of crimes, of courts, of criminal defenses, of prosecutorial misconduct, of laws....

Issues and Examples:
Whitey Bulger Case- Victim's Rights.   Some murder charges didn't stick.  Those victim's families still get to give victim impact statements

Consider jaywalking...   Why is it against the law?

Virginia Cohabitation Laws-   http://digitaljournal.com/article/344367

Links and Resources
An example of word magic:   "Do you work for the Department of Justice or do you work in law enforcement?" 

The reasonable person standard
The McDonald's Hot Coffee Lawsuit
Google's post about privacy rights
The ability to tap cell phones

Stop and Frisk

Stop and Frisk
Tuesday August 13th on the daily show.   It explains the data, then shows the problem with a comparison.    This focuses on 1) the problem of discrimination in CJ and 2) the concerns of the crime prevention perspective.
Compare this to a policy of stopping every person who goes even 1 mile an hour over the limit.
Compare this to Giulianis policies

Raisin laws
Tuesday August 13th on the Daily Show.   This is a classic example of the conflict perspective on criminal justice.

Gun Laws

About firing a gun


Trayvon Martin Case
About self-defense rights?   About due process for Zimmerman?   About the crime funnel (because the cops didn't want to prosecute)?

Sentencing Disparities

100 to 1 Crack vs Cocaine Disparity

6 legal ways the cop can screw you

Visual Aids- The Wanted Poster


For confusing students
For wasting the reader's time
For making the audience bored

The words

 Here is a website that allows students to create them.