Monday, April 27, 2015


List of episodes that I have

Sheldrake- Morphic Resonance

carrots dont help your eyes.  its world war two propaganda.  John Cat Eyes Cunningham and his miraculous night vision

The McDonalds Shake story
Thickened with some kind of potato product, but it used to be much better for you
They couldn't legally say "milkshake"

The McDonalds Egg White story
According to the name, one would expect a single ingredient.   However it actually had 11 ingredients!

Super Dogs
Whale hunting, ass cancer sniffing

Diagnosing the Fat Albert Gang

Apples are from Afghanistan
They are mostly spitters, bad tasting apple trees.   Grafting is used to improve them
"Mankind has conquered the apple!"
Johnny appleseed was not at the Alamo

gross ingredients in cosmetics

        Practical origins and ridiculous origins
         Ladders- things could fall and hurt you,
         but also because a ladder was used to get Christ down from   the cross
         all criminals used to be forced to walk under a ladder before hanging

         Bless you after sneezing- a virus killed people very quickly, the pope ordered people to say bless you so peasants didn't die without a final blessing
       Unlucky 13?- It comes from Loki and Norse myth.  12 gods were invited but he snuck in

       The crazy fly voice makes a long appearance

JFred Muggs
are people more paranoid because of more surveillance?
one fifth of all the active cameras are in London (for traffic)
cocaine tooth powder
heroin was a cough remedy, invented by the Bayer company
hair of the dog, an ancient rabies cure
antimony, a hand me down pill that rockets through you

Inventing the British Guys

Rabbit woman
the hundredth monkey effect

Deja Vu
Talking shit about Carl Jung
Dolpihns keep lifelong social memories

Barney blockers- Beta blockers are a type of pill to help some to stay calm, McEl's dad was on them but it was incredibly difficult for him to exerciset
ESP vs Microexpressions
Kato and the OJ trial

Star wars knowledge.....
"Sacres the bejabbers out of me" --- a reference to castrating bulls
Robot and Frank--- Robutt...

Robot bees
The southamerican catfish that all penises fear
The squids confusing weapon
Paul Shaffer, its raining fun
The Big bang might not have happened
Gender neutral in Germany
Testicle Size and fatherhood
Wide faces are evil

Misheard lyrics are called "mondegreens"
Songs stuck in your head are called

        Toxoplasmosis- the fearless mice
        Sneezing into the crook of the arm
        Various other sneezing conditions
        Bermuda Triangle Theories
        Sudden release of methane changes the density of water or air
                    Boats or planes would suddenly drop beneath the sea
         Rogue waves, poor Tom Green's fishing story
         AUTECH theory- a testing area for advanced technology

There are many other funny mineral names.   Vaginaton in particular.
Tyco Brahe had a gold nose and a pet moose who he got drunk

New part of the human body have been discovered, a ligament and a part of the cornea.
extra set of nostrils way in the back
class up your garbage
women can have ribs removed.  Apparently Cher is rumored to have it done.  Rachel Welsch did do it.

The Science of Batman
Physical Abilities from Scientific American
Strength and Conditioning (3-5 years), Martial Arts (8years), nonlethal MA (12-15 years)
training must constantly continue.......
cumulative effects of the beatings are wildly unreal....
ability to handle ten opponents--BS
The gadgets are almost all nonsense, but it is conceivable that in the future....

Fart science.....   chicken and eggs have sulfur in them
Around a pint of gas a day is the personal average, 14 times a day
Could holding one in hurt you?   Almost certainly not.
(Changing the names of years once society loses faith in God
Imagine signing our checks "dick trickle")

3d food printer
The Mars Murder Conspiracy-- Driving a van off the side of a cliff.


Christmas Podcast (near 18)

1. Christ wasn't born on Christmas
2. The names of the wise men relate to the little drummer boy
3. Christmas was illegal in Boston for many years
4. The first congress deliberately worked on Christmas
5. Washington Irving wrote a book of Christmas stories which created the fervor in America.

Solos in the Silos 22

snopes quiz 48 minutes in
           RFIDs in students
number 30 swipers existential crisis
Taste can be manipulated.... around 50 minutes in.r  Ham tastes more salty when its cold.  Cold things cannot be tasted as distinctly as warm... cold beer vs warm beer and bitterness.   Drinks in a blue cup were rated as more refreshing than drinks in other colors.    The Blind Wine Taste Test.... One is expensive.  One is cheap.   Surprise they are the same.    We enjoy things more with great adjectives in front of them.   The discussion of savory is a highlight.

ruth's cris steakhouse

number 34  Garfield for President

The origins of nursery rhymes.   Humpy Dumpty (a cannon).  Mary Mary Quite Contrary (torturing opponents).   Scientists who experimented on themselves: Albert Hoffman, Jonas Salk, the speed guy.

number 36- Manhattan mongoose

Invasive species, the starlin importation to America (Shakespeare related), the lionfish, the burmese python, the mongoose

Snopes quiz
      Et games really were in a landfill

number 40
Dogs are both left pawed and right pawed.....
In humans it is 10 percent left handed.... dogs are even.

It is possible to tell if your dog is left or right handed....   the dominant paw is the one the dog will shake with...

number 46
The photographic memory dilemma
          One person had promise in one experiment.   The professor who ran the experiment married her and never had her tested again.
          Some people like Marylu Henner have great autobiographical memory.   They can't apply that to books.
          Noone has been apply to use photographic memory in court.
Jackie Gleason- amazing memory for scripts...

The Fear Strength Issue
          One prof says normals go from 60-72 percent of muscle capacity.
           Trained athletes go from 80-92 percent.   The professor was FSU kinesthesiology
           Under extreme fear/adrenaline people can access 100 percent of the potential....
Edumacation 52
       metal is in our blood
       metal is in our bones
       "Head Game Hunters"

Grocery store marketing tricks
        type and tempo of music
        tile size variation
        narrow checkout isles to avoid putting away stuff
        large carts---more buying
        people only remember four prices---
                               milk, bread, eggs, bananas
        bread in paper bags vs plastic bags
        most items in the circular are not on sale....   people think they are
        10 for ten sale    89 cent tuna marked at 10 for 10 flew off the shelves

edu number 53
       Head games hunters
       do bees have emotions?   put a can of bees in a paint agitator
       do hamsters and mice love running on wheels--- the forest wheels experiment
       robotic cockroaches
       the joyless mouse without dopamine
       transportation fears are discussed

54 Guardyloo

That's what people used to say when they were emptying out champerpots in olden times.  

number 55
Smiling in pictures, when did it start and why did it start?
Mind Game Hunters- ideas for a show

Distractify article about timelines- Cleopatra was closer to the Iphone than the pyramids.

number 56 barbara hershey

regional accents are important because talking in that accent makes it easier to understand the speech in that area.

why do we call only one liquid a gas?

A pill that makes farts smell like chocolate


53 minutes    closing your eyes to improve memory
                     police bonding with witnesses...


number 59
Cognitive biases/Recovered memories/Facial Feedback Hypothesis/ Invisible Gorilla

Live at the Ice house 2

     miracle fruit and why sharks are safer that anything.   Vending machines kill 13 people per year.

ugh Math
              Fake drugs vs Real Drugs "Anafranil"   "Bacta"   The Harvey Rant
              at the moment of death human beings do not lose weight...
              Do ostriches put their heads in the sand out of fear?-   checking eggs

              Deck of Cards have infinite orders
              23 people have a 50 percent change of shared birthday, 75 people have 99 percent.

              Why do people like bubble wrap?

              Kevin's I am no doctor seuss rant.    Fatwa


Facts from unknown episodes

Fuck was first used in a hater poem from 1537
(which means that anyone who is a fan of dirty talk is also a fan of poetry)
Slang terms for lady parts.   He includes lots of them.  Here is a highlight
            AM- "The parenthesis"
            KS-  "They should have called it the exclamation point."
            AM- "As long as you don't call it the period."

            AM-"The goat milker"
            KS-  (isn't it obvious where he will go with this one)

Blowjob first appeared in print in the 1960s.   The source is that blow was a synonym for "come" for many years.

probably from 59
Bader-Meinhoff Phenomena
Hindsight Bias
Forer Effect-  (horoscope trickery)