Alexander Wolfe 1-13-16
Jacob Love 1-2-15
Marcie (Marie??) Parker 1-11-16
Ashleigh Cephas 1-12-20167
Gage Dorsey 1-12-16
Jabob Love 1-2-15
Alexander Wolfe 1-13-16
Ronald Browning 1-12=16
Asphleigh Cephar 1-12-16
Andrea Kenndey 513-293-1407 -16
Jaylin Iler 1-11-2016
Faith Wills
Branford Bass
Mitchell Wilson- snowboarding fan!!!
Alexis Walker
Shay Daramola
Aminata Kane
Casey Battle
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
The basic system
I ii iii IV V iv dim7 I
(all of these can be replaced with 7th chords)
Example: Key of A
A Bm C#m D E F#m G#dim
Add to that
Random chord progressions
1 1/3 4
1 5/7 6m
4 1/3 2m
Full chord progressions
G, Em, Am, Am, C/D, D7
C, C/bflat, Am7, D7/F#, C/g, (F/G, G7), C
F,F, F/E, Dm7, G7, C, F, F/E, Dm7, G7, C
Emaj7, Emaj7, F#m7, F#m7, C
Am, Dm, G, Cmaj7, Fmaj7, Bm7-5, E7, E7
C, Cmaj7, F, C, Cmaj7, F
C, G, (Am, F), (C,G), (F, C/E, Dm7, C)
D,D,G,A,A7,A7, D
Cmaj7, Cmaj7, F, C, Cmaj7, F
Gm, C7, F, F, Gm7, C7, F
Eflat, F7/Eflat, Fm7, Bflat7, Eflat
D, A7, Bm, D/A, Gm7
Dflat, F7, Bflatm, Gflat, Dflat, Aflat7, Dflat
F#m, D, A, F#m, F#m, D, A
D, A/C#, G, A, D
Eflat, Aflat, Aflat, Gm, Eflat, Aflat, Gm, Aflat
D, A7, Bm, D/A, Gmaj7
Eflat, Fm7, Bflat7, Fm7, Bflat7, Eflat
G, A7, D7, G
D, D/F#, G, Bm, Em, D/F#, C, G
C#m, C#m, B, C#m
Emaj7, Emaj7, F#m7, F#m7, G
C, Cmaj7, F, C, Cmaj7, F
Bflat, Fsus, Cm7, Eflat, Bflat, Fsus, Cm7, Eflat
Eflat, Bflat, E/B, Bflat, Cm, Eflat/Bflat, Bflat, Eflat
bflat, Gm7, F, Eflat, Gm7, F, Bflat
G, D, Em, C, C, Am, Bm, Em, G, D, Em, C, G, Am, Bm, D, G
G, C/G, D7, C, D, G, C/G, D7, G
C F D7 G7
C Am D7 G7
C E7 A7 D7 G7
C A7 D7 G7
C A7 Dm G7
C Bm7 E7 Am7 Dm7 G
C Em7 Am7 Dm7 G7
Twelve Bar Blues
Chords that can be used within a given key
1,2,3,4,5,6,7(rarely), f3, f7, f6, 2maj, 3maj, 4min
and also KEY CHANGES happen
1 leads to any chords
2 leads to 4,5, or 7
3 leads to 2 or 6
4 leads to 1,5, or 7
5 leads to 1
6 leads to 2, 4
7 leads to 1 or 3
1/3 chord
Examples: In the key of G, it would be a G/B
In the key of F, it would be F/A
How to Use It:
Connecting a 1 and a 4 chord
Connecting a 4 and a 2m chord
Example of how to use it:
1 1/3 4 5(7) 1
4 1/3 2m 5(7) 1
5/7 chord
Examples: In the key of G, it would be a F/A
In the key of D, it would be A/C#
How to Use It: Connecting a 1 chord to a 6m
Chord Substitutions for major chords for C major
Minor chord a 3rd below Am
Minor 7th chord a 3rd below Am7
Minor chord a 3rd above Em
Chord Substitutions for Minor Chords for Am
Major chord a 3rd above C
Major chord a 3rd below F
Major 7th chord a 3rd below Fmaj7
Dim chord with the same root Adim
Chord Substitutions for Dom 7th chords For G7
Major a 2nd below F
Dim chord a 3rd below Edim
Minor 7th a fourth below, over same root Dm7/G
M6 1,3,5,6
maj7 1,3,5,7
M9 1,3,5,7,9
M/9 1,3,5,9 Major add 9 chord
Dominant 7th
The basic system
I ii iii IV V iv dim7 I
(all of these can be replaced with 7th chords)
Example: Key of A
A Bm C#m D E F#m G#dim
Add to that
Random chord progressions
1 1/3 4
1 5/7 6m
4 1/3 2m
Full chord progressions
G, Em, Am, Am, C/D, D7
C, C/bflat, Am7, D7/F#, C/g, (F/G, G7), C
F,F, F/E, Dm7, G7, C, F, F/E, Dm7, G7, C
Emaj7, Emaj7, F#m7, F#m7, C
Am, Dm, G, Cmaj7, Fmaj7, Bm7-5, E7, E7
C, Cmaj7, F, C, Cmaj7, F
C, G, (Am, F), (C,G), (F, C/E, Dm7, C)
D,D,G,A,A7,A7, D
Cmaj7, Cmaj7, F, C, Cmaj7, F
Gm, C7, F, F, Gm7, C7, F
Eflat, F7/Eflat, Fm7, Bflat7, Eflat
D, A7, Bm, D/A, Gm7
Dflat, F7, Bflatm, Gflat, Dflat, Aflat7, Dflat
F#m, D, A, F#m, F#m, D, A
D, A/C#, G, A, D
Eflat, Aflat, Aflat, Gm, Eflat, Aflat, Gm, Aflat
D, A7, Bm, D/A, Gmaj7
Eflat, Fm7, Bflat7, Fm7, Bflat7, Eflat
G, A7, D7, G
D, D/F#, G, Bm, Em, D/F#, C, G
C#m, C#m, B, C#m
Emaj7, Emaj7, F#m7, F#m7, G
C, Cmaj7, F, C, Cmaj7, F
Bflat, Fsus, Cm7, Eflat, Bflat, Fsus, Cm7, Eflat
Eflat, Bflat, E/B, Bflat, Cm, Eflat/Bflat, Bflat, Eflat
bflat, Gm7, F, Eflat, Gm7, F, Bflat
G, D, Em, C, C, Am, Bm, Em, G, D, Em, C, G, Am, Bm, D, G
G, C/G, D7, C, D, G, C/G, D7, G
C F D7 G7
C Am D7 G7
C E7 A7 D7 G7
C A7 D7 G7
C A7 Dm G7
C Bm7 E7 Am7 Dm7 G
C Em7 Am7 Dm7 G7
Twelve Bar Blues
Chords that can be used within a given key
1,2,3,4,5,6,7(rarely), f3, f7, f6, 2maj, 3maj, 4min
and also KEY CHANGES happen
1 leads to any chords
2 leads to 4,5, or 7
3 leads to 2 or 6
4 leads to 1,5, or 7
5 leads to 1
6 leads to 2, 4
7 leads to 1 or 3
How to use certain inversions (chords with alternate bass notes)
1/3 chord
Examples: In the key of G, it would be a G/B
In the key of F, it would be F/A
How to Use It:
Connecting a 1 and a 4 chord
Connecting a 4 and a 2m chord
Example of how to use it:
1 1/3 4 5(7) 1
4 1/3 2m 5(7) 1
5/7 chord
Examples: In the key of G, it would be a F/A
In the key of D, it would be A/C#
How to Use It: Connecting a 1 chord to a 6m
Chord Substitutions
Chord Substitutions for major chords for C major
Minor chord a 3rd below Am
Minor 7th chord a 3rd below Am7
Minor chord a 3rd above Em
Chord Substitutions for Minor Chords for Am
Major chord a 3rd above C
Major chord a 3rd below F
Major 7th chord a 3rd below Fmaj7
Dim chord with the same root Adim
Chord Substitutions for Dom 7th chords For G7
Major a 2nd below F
Dim chord a 3rd below Edim
Minor 7th a fourth below, over same root Dm7/G
Chord Families
M6 1,3,5,6
maj7 1,3,5,7
M9 1,3,5,7,9
M/9 1,3,5,9 Major add 9 chord
Dominant 7th
Short Thoughts
Fragments that might go somewhere
Even good sex comes with side effects
I don't have any answers, but explanations are free of charge.
accidental genius
"I am not ok with a colonoscopy because they just stink."
You have a very excellent gag reflex.
I never thought I would say that to a woman and mean it as a compliment
Soldiers misbehave for a large number of reasons, but the most important one is the constant possibility of death. Now consider corporations. They face death just as often. They behave... Uh.... They behave like assholes, just like a very small percentage of soldiers.
The difference is that I forgive every single soldier. I want to attack every single corporation that behaves that way.
I've got a friend who loves Narcos and doesn't pay much attention to politics, but he started talking about how many new jobs the tax cuts will create and how many raises workers will get. Here's what I said to him.
Ok. Imagine you are Pablo Escobar. You have manufacturers, transporters, wholesalers, and street dealers. Now imagine that you suddenly get all your cocaine for 15 percent less. What would you do? The manufacturers already are willing to work for a certain wage, just like the wholesalers, transporters, and dealers. You could pass along the money to the employees, or you could take it for yourself.
Remember, your customers do not have much more money than they did before. There will not be a big increase in cocaine demand. There will not be a big increase in cocaine use. Those people got a very small discount. So there is no need for more manufacturing, transporting, wholesales, or street dealing. There is just a vastly increased profit in the same market, and you are free to take that profit for yourself or give it away to people who have very little leverage to demand it.
The reality is even worse. Publicly traded companies are required by law to prioritize stockholders over stakeholders. In other words, there is a law that says the cartel must keep the profits.
A story is an argument in disguise. Significant evidence shows that it is more effective.
Wired for story.
Most of the time, if I want to change someone's mind, I never say 'maybe this will change your mind.' When I want to change someone's mind, I say 'let me tell you a story.'
About plagiarism
No idea is an orphan, but none of them can produce a birth certificate
One night
in a dream
I was having an argument
with a zen master
I told him times
when I was ignorant
when I was arrogant
when I should have known better
He said
"So fucking what?"
He said
"Stop whining. Start over. Begin again."
Another night
I spent
the better part of an hour
about my job
my boss
my friends
and my taxes
He said
"if you keep running from discomfort
you'll never be able to comfort
I've got a friend who doesn't pay much attention to politics, and he heard me mention the Supreme Court. He asked me, "why the hell do you care?"
I said "remember the Bengals Steelers game? Imagine that the NFL was choosing refs for the Bengals Steelers game only, and here were your choices. You could either have a Pittsburgh native who spent his entire life rooting for the Steelers or a Cincinnati native who spent his entire life rooting for the Bengals. Whichever one gets the job has the job for the next 30 years.
He asked "can't they hire someone from somewhere else?"
I said "of course they can, but the only people accepting job applications are Mike Brown and the Rooney family."
Little Truth
Friend of Mine
I Love You But You Suck
It Takes Two- the mashup
Can I take a picture
Oh No
It Aint Right
Empty Handed
Imaginary Love
When I Dream
Fresh Prince of Bell Air cover
You Bring Me Down
I Love You, But You Suck
Funny Thing About
The riff of finger rolls
Me: "I don't understand people. I never have."
Friend: "Really? Why is that?"
Me: "I'm not sure I am one."
Hand eye coordination? I have trouble with foo'f't/ground coordination.
To understand is easy
to explain is a challenge
to convince is an achievement
to prove is a miracle
Even good sex comes with side effects
I don't have any answers, but explanations are free of charge.
accidental genius
"I am not ok with a colonoscopy because they just stink."
You have a very excellent gag reflex.
I never thought I would say that to a woman and mean it as a compliment
Soldiers misbehave for a large number of reasons, but the most important one is the constant possibility of death. Now consider corporations. They face death just as often. They behave... Uh.... They behave like assholes, just like a very small percentage of soldiers.
The difference is that I forgive every single soldier. I want to attack every single corporation that behaves that way.
I've got a friend who loves Narcos and doesn't pay much attention to politics, but he started talking about how many new jobs the tax cuts will create and how many raises workers will get. Here's what I said to him.
Ok. Imagine you are Pablo Escobar. You have manufacturers, transporters, wholesalers, and street dealers. Now imagine that you suddenly get all your cocaine for 15 percent less. What would you do? The manufacturers already are willing to work for a certain wage, just like the wholesalers, transporters, and dealers. You could pass along the money to the employees, or you could take it for yourself.
Remember, your customers do not have much more money than they did before. There will not be a big increase in cocaine demand. There will not be a big increase in cocaine use. Those people got a very small discount. So there is no need for more manufacturing, transporting, wholesales, or street dealing. There is just a vastly increased profit in the same market, and you are free to take that profit for yourself or give it away to people who have very little leverage to demand it.
The reality is even worse. Publicly traded companies are required by law to prioritize stockholders over stakeholders. In other words, there is a law that says the cartel must keep the profits.
A story is an argument in disguise. Significant evidence shows that it is more effective.
Wired for story.
Most of the time, if I want to change someone's mind, I never say 'maybe this will change your mind.' When I want to change someone's mind, I say 'let me tell you a story.'
About plagiarism
No idea is an orphan, but none of them can produce a birth certificate
One night
in a dream
I was having an argument
with a zen master
I told him times
when I was ignorant
when I was arrogant
when I should have known better
He said
"So fucking what?"
He said
"Stop whining. Start over. Begin again."
Another night
I spent
the better part of an hour
about my job
my boss
my friends
and my taxes
He said
"if you keep running from discomfort
you'll never be able to comfort
I've got a friend who doesn't pay much attention to politics, and he heard me mention the Supreme Court. He asked me, "why the hell do you care?"
I said "remember the Bengals Steelers game? Imagine that the NFL was choosing refs for the Bengals Steelers game only, and here were your choices. You could either have a Pittsburgh native who spent his entire life rooting for the Steelers or a Cincinnati native who spent his entire life rooting for the Bengals. Whichever one gets the job has the job for the next 30 years.
He asked "can't they hire someone from somewhere else?"
I said "of course they can, but the only people accepting job applications are Mike Brown and the Rooney family."
Little Truth
Friend of Mine
I Love You But You Suck
It Takes Two- the mashup
Can I take a picture
Oh No
It Aint Right
Empty Handed
Imaginary Love
When I Dream
Fresh Prince of Bell Air cover
You Bring Me Down
I Love You, But You Suck
Funny Thing About
The riff of finger rolls
Me: "I don't understand people. I never have."
Friend: "Really? Why is that?"
Me: "I'm not sure I am one."
Hand eye coordination? I have trouble with foo'f't/ground coordination.
To understand is easy
to explain is a challenge
to convince is an achievement
to prove is a miracle
A memorizer is Rain Man
A storyteller is Tom Cruise
A memorizer is Rain Man
A storyteller is Tom Cruise
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