"No more Teachers' Dirty Looks: Effects of Teacher Nonverbal Behavior on Student Outcomes." Applications of Nonverbal Communication. By Ronald E. Riggio
NVC in the Classroom, Patrick W. Miller, PhD
This short pamphlet focuses on k-12 classroom environments. It has a good quiz and a good table of cross cultural comparisons in the back.
Body Language, Julius Fast, c1970
This is a best seller and one of the first popular classics in the field. Most of the information is outdated and there is no cross cultural evidence of note.
Telling Lies, Paul Ekman, 1985 (my version is a 2009)
Lie detection isn't a crucial part of NVC in education. However, this book is a wonderful example of systematic study of the art of lie catching, including common interpretive biases.
The Everything Body Language Book by Shelly Hagen, c2008
This, like the Complete Idiot's Guide to Body Language, is a introduction to the subject. It has a short overview of almost everything, and the material was fact checked by David Givens of the Nonverbal Dictionary Fame
Nonverbal Communication, by Albert Mehrabian, c1972
He is one of the forefathers of NVC research; he created the concept of immediacy, one of the most studied concepts in NVC. It is well researched in relation to education. His concepts of verbal immediacy in the book are startling and fascinating.
"Breaking the code of silence: a study of teachers' nonverbal decoding accuracy of foreign language anxiety", Language Teaching Research 11.2 (2007) pp209-221
"Nonverbal Communication and Writing Lab Tutorials" by Gina Claywell, paper presented at the 1992 CCCC convention. 8pg
"The Effects of Teacher Clarity and Nonverbal Immediacy on Student Learning, Recevier Apprehension and Affect. Communication Education, 52 (2), 135. Retrieved May 13,2008 from Academic Search Complete database.
"Writing Lab Tutors: Hidden Messages That Matter" by Grace Ritz Amigone, Writing Lab Journal. 24-29
Nonverbal Communication and the Study of Teaching, Anita E. Woolfolk and Charles M Galloway, Theory into Practice, Volume XXIV, Number 1, c 2001, 77-84
Nonverbal Communicaiton: Do You Really Say What You Mean? By Paul Preston, Ph.D., The University of Montevallo, Journal of Healthcare Management 50:2 March/april 2005. 83-86
Teaching Nonverbal Communication, by David C. Schwebel and Milton Schwebel, College Teaching, vol 50, no 3, (Summer, 2002) pp 88-91
Immediacy in the Classroom: Research and Practical implications, Kelly A Rocca, ppt presentation at the "Student Motivations and Attitudes: The Role of teh Affective Domain in Geoscience Learning" conference, Northfield, MN, Feb 12, 2007
The Complete Idiots Guide to Body Language, Peter A Anderson, Ph.D, c2004
This general public treatment of the subject is truly excellent. Anderson has written one of the best textbooks on the subject and this is a good start. There is a whole chapter on body language in education.
The Power of Body Language, Tonya Reiman, Pocket Books, c 2007.
Her information all checks out, but it comes from self-study, outside of a university environment. She is also a public/motivational speaker. Her youtube clips from the O'reilly Factor are fascinating.
Richmond, Virginia P., James C. McCroskey, and Mark L. Hickson. Nonverbal Behavior in Interpersonal Relations. Boston: Pearson Education, 2008. Print.
This is chapter 14, teacher and student nonverbal relationships. Quotes are available in the body language megaquote list.
PDF Files
Applications of Nonverbal Communication, edited by Ronald E Riggio and Robert S Feldman, c2005, Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates. 327 pages
Beliefs about the Nonverbal Expression of Social Power, Dana R. Carney, Judith A. Hall, and Lavonia Smith LeBeau, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 105-123
Body Language in the Classroom, Patrick M Miller, Techniques, November/December 2005. www.acteonline.com
Unmasking the Face. Paul Ekman.
This book explains his theory of microexpressions and divides the face into three regions to aid in analysis.
Listening, Nonverbal Communication Training. Susan Timm. Northern Illinios University. Betty L Schroeder. International Journal of Listening. Vol 14. 2000. 109-128
Nonverbal Communication and the Study of Teaching. Anita E. Woolfolk and Charles M Galloway. Theory into Practice. volume xxiv number 1. C 2001

This study examined a number of different nonverbal tests and compared them to reports of success in psychology and counseling.
The role of gesture in bilingual education. Does Gesture Enhance Learning? Ruth Breckinridge Church, Saba Ayman-Nolley and Shahrzad Mahootian, Northeastern Illinois University, Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 303-319.
ERIC Identifier: ED380847
Publication Date: 1995-00-00
Author: Sensenbaugh, Roger
Source: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading English and Communication Bloomington IN.
How Effective Communication Can Enhance Teaching at the College Level. ERIC Digest.
What do learners make of teachers’ gestures
in the language classroom? DANIELA SIME. IRAL 44 (2006), 211–230 0019042X/2006/044-0211
DOI 10.1515/IRAL.2006.009
The Power of Nonverbal Communication. By Henry H. Calero. Silver Lake Publishing. c2005. 315pages.
A Method for Teaching About Verbal and Nonverbal Communication. Methods and Techniques. By Mark Costanzo and Dane Archer. Vol 18. No 4. Dec 1991.
Breaking the Code of Silence: A study of teachers nonverbal decoding accuracy of foreign language anxiety. Language Teaching Research. 11.2. (2007) pp209-221
Intercultural nonverbal communication: A bibliography. Kitao, Kenji; Kitac, S. Kathleen. Jul
87. published reference materials
Nonverbal Communication. Powerpoint. Binod Kumar Thakur and Kumar Nishant.
Evaluating your nonverbal communication skills.
Source: The Language of Emotional Intelligence, by Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. 1 page handout
Nonverbal Communication in Teaching, Howard Smith, Review of Education research, Vol. 49, No. 4 (Autumn, 1979), pp. 631-672.
This is somewhat dated. There is a k-12 focus.
Smith, Sandi W. The Prototypical feature of the Outstanding Professor from the Female and Male Undergraduate Perspective: The Roles of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication. paper presented at the annual Meeting of the Western States Communication Association (San Jose, CA, Feb 23-27, 1994.)
The conclusions are fairly obvious. However, this is a good resource.
Thompson, Isabelle. Scaffolding in the Writing Center: A Microanalysis of an Experienced Tutor's Verbal and Nonverbal Tutoring Strategies. Written Communication 2009; 26; 417 originally published online Aug 13, 2009. Retrieved in 2010
This is an award winning study of a single tutoring session in great detail. She breaks down all activity into three categories (direct instruction, cognitive scaffolding, and motivational scaffolding). Illustrators are discussed, broken into Beattie's 4 categories, then narrowed to topic gestures and interactional gestures. The only real use of nvc information is with gestures.
Unpublished dissertations/theses
Ragland, Nathan Basil. "Writing Center Tutorials and Gender Differences in Nonverbal Communication." Department of English. University of Louisville, Louisville KY, Dec 2005
Boudreaux, Marjory A. Toward Awareness: A Study of Nonverbal Behavior in the Writing Conference. Indiana University of Pennslyvania, May 1998
ED 497959 The Effects of Nonverbal Skill on Dimensions of Global Personality: Six Correlational and Nine Experimental Replicated Studies
ReplyDeleteAuthors: Klinzing, hans gerhard: Aloisio, Bernadette Gerada
Source: Online Submission, Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Chicago, IL, April 2007)
Notes: This was a study of the effectiveness of NVC decoding and encoding training. They did some background studies of relationships between NVC traits and personality traits, then considered studies of training's effectiveness.
A. There are some correlations between personality traits and encoding skills, none for decoding skills.
B. Systematic training leads to gains in skill, frequent practice does not. 9 of 9 studies of systematic training showed significant gains.
Perhaps searching for empathy research and social cognition research will prove fruitful.