Sunday, August 7, 2022

Everything is Obvious- How Common Sense Fails Us


by Duncan J Watts

As sociologists are fond of pointing out, many of these aphorisms appear to be direct contradictions of each other.   Birds of a feather flock together, but opposites attract.   Absence indeed makes the heart grow fonder, but out of sight out of mind.   Look before you leap, but he who hesitates is lost.   -17

In countless experiments, for example, psychologists have shown that an individual's choices and behavior can be influenced by "priming" them with particular words, sounds or other stimuli.   Subjects in experiments who read words like "old" and "frail" walk more slowly down the corridor when they leave the lab.  Consumers in wine stores are more likely to buy German wine when German music is playing in the background and French wine when French music is playing.   Survey respondents asked about energy drinks are more likely to name Gatorade when they are given a green pen in order to fill out the survey.   And shoppers looking to buy a couch online are more likely to pot for an expensive, comfortable-looking couch when the background of the website is of fluffy white clouds, and more likely to buy the harder, cheaper option when the background consists of dollar coins.  -39

And they are more likely to believe a written statement if the font is easy to read....

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